Chemical Peels

A chemical peel is a cosmetic treatment that removes a layer of skin from the face to reveal a newer, healthier layer. The chemical peel solution is a mixture of various naturally occurring acids and active ingredients, that when applied cause controlled trauma to the epidermis of the skin and allow the outer layers to peel away. This in turn sends signals to increase cell turnover and reveal more rejuvenated skin.

Chemical peels can be used to improve skin texture, reduce breakouts, help with superficial scarring, and as a collagen banking procedure (to improve collagen levels regardless of age).

At Oxford Aesthetic Clinic we use primary two different types of peels

Superficial Peels

Alumier range of chemical peels. These can be customised for your particular skin needs. Alumier peels are superficial progressive peels that have a low downtime. A few treatments are often needed to see visible results, usually 4-6 weeks apart.

Medium Depth Peels

The Perfect Peel- This treatment works at a deeper level and yields excellent results. A downtime of intense peeling for up to 10 days post-treatment should be accounted for. We recommend pre-treatment with a prescription-strength anti-pigment agent for 1 month prior to having this treatment, to prevent post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation which can be a complication of deeper peels. This can be arranged by booking for the peel one month in advance, and sending an email so that the anti pigment can be posted out to you with instructions.

It is recommended that chemical peels are combined with at-home medical-grade skincare. If budgeting prevents this from being an option for you, we prefer that you choose prescription-strength at-home products you can use, instead of a peel. Peels can be viewed as an intense session with a personal trainer, whereas skincare is the exercise you do at the gym in between.